The St Heliers Bowling Club (The Club) recognises the need of each of its members, visitors and contractors to be provided with a safe and healthy club environment and workplace in which to enjoyrecreational activity and work.  It is the Club’s policy to make every reasonable effort in areas of accident prevention, injury protection and the promotion of the health, safety and welfare of all its members, visitors and employees.

The following areas of responsibility are essential to ensure thesuccessful implementation of this policy.

The Club Executive will:

  • provide employees with job descriptions, including health and safety responsibilities
  • observe and enforce the relevant acts and regulations thatapply to working conditions as set out for the particular employee’soccupation.
  • undertake to provide a safe and healthy environment for allemployees
  • provide education and instruction in the correct use of all relevant equipment and materials being used by the Club
  • provide information on safety and health to employees by way of instruction
  • involve members and employees in the origination of systems and ideas on health and safety
  • provide for follow up action on all initiatives relating to health and safety
  • report to the board all work hazards and situations about the Club as they are observed
  • members of the Executive have a special role ensuring health and safety as part of their administrative function.

The Club members and employees are expected to willingly co-operate in the objectives of making St Heliers Bowling Club a healthy and safe place in which to partake in recreationalactivities and therefore:

  • are required to observe and practise safe working methods,including thinking and acting safely on and around the greens and about the club workplace
  • will demonstrate a commitment to health and safety about the Club and Club workplace
  • where safety equipment is provided always ensure that it is in proper working order and correctly used
  • will be duly involved in the development of systems of health and safety and recognise that these issues are included in regular discussion in all levels of the Club
  • immediately report any unsafe working situation or equipment to the Executive, to suggest and contribute any information that will assist in accident prevention and  make our Club a safe and better place in which to enjoy excellent recreation and work
  • immediately report any accident, incident or near miss to theExecutive.  Any such event is to be properly recorded in theregister which is situated in the Secretary’s office
  • accept that the cost of providing a safe recreational and work environment is an essential part of the Club’s ongoing costs and will be provided for within the Club’s budget.

Occupational Safety & Health
Club Officer - ​​​​​​​
Mark Posa